During the academic semesters the plasma physics department hosts seminars on Tuesday at 2:30 pm.
If you have questions or want to suggest a speaker/topic, please contact Prof. Olga Rosmej or Dr. Paul Neumayer.

Plasmaphysik Seminar

New insights in laser-driven ultra-intense gamma and neutron sources for nuclear applications and high-energy density researchONLINE ONLY

by Marc Günther (GSI, Darmstadt)

Zoom (GSI Darmstadt)


GSI Darmstadt

Zoom-Meeting https://gsi-fair.zoom.us/j/96629963798 Meeting-ID: 966 2996 3798 Kenncode: 130302 +49 695 050 2596 Deutschland +49 69 7104 9922 Deutschland +49 30 5679 5800 Deutschland +49 69 3807 9883 Deutschland


Ultra-intense gamma and neutron beams are indispensable tools in many research fields like nuclear, atomic and material science as well as in biophysical and medical applications. Especially for astrophysical applications such as the laboratory investigations of the rapid multi neutron capture process (r-process) responsible for the production of heavy elements in explosive scenarios, neutron fluxes in excess of 10$^{21}$ n/(cm$^2$ s) are required. Such ultra-high fluxes are unattainable with existing conventional reactor or accelerator-based facilities. Nowadays, concepts are discussed to generate a high-flux of neutron beams which are based on ultra-high power multi-petawatt lasers operating at 10$^{23}$ W/cm$^2$ intensities. Laser-driven relativistic electron beams are excellent tools for the generation of MeV gamma beams and secondary particles like neutrons. In the presentation it is reported on enhanced laser-driven electron beam generation in the multi-MeV energy range that promises a tremendous increase of applicability. Here, it is presented a novel concept for the efficient generation of gamma and neutron beams based on relativistic laser interactions with a long-scale near critical density plasma at moderate relativistic laser intensities. New experimental insights in laser-driven generation of ultra-intense well-directed multi-MeV beams of photons with fluences of 10$^{12}$ ph/sr and an ultra-high intense neutron source with 10$^{10}$ neutrons per shot are presented. Optimization processes promises an ultra-high neutron fluence of 10$^{11}$ n/cm$^2$ and corresponding neutron peak-fluxes of ~10$^{22}$ n/(cm$^2$ s) already at moderate relativistic laser intensities.


Meeting-ID: 966 2996 3798
Kenncode: 130302
+49 695 050 2596 Deutschland
+49 69 7104 9922 Deutschland
+49 30 5679 5800 Deutschland
+49 69 3807 9883 Deutschland