Christian Joachim Schmidt
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
04/09/2020, 10:00
Richard Hall-Wilton
04/09/2020, 10:25
The contribution should introduce the fundamental scientific questions of the neutron community to the MAPS community.
Michael Deveaux
04/09/2020, 10:45
The contribution will give an introduction into the challenges of precise charged particle tracking to members of the neutron community.
Marc Winter
04/09/2020, 11:05
Michael Deveaux
04/09/2020, 11:25
Valery Pugatch
(National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(KINR))
04/09/2020, 12:00
Lychagin Egor Valerievich
04/09/2020, 12:12
Michal Koziel
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP))
04/09/2020, 13:42
Cesar Ceballos
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
04/09/2020, 13:54
Marcel Stanitzki
04/09/2020, 14:06
Valery Pugatch
(National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine(KINR))
04/09/2020, 14:18
Evgeniy Altynbaev
04/09/2020, 14:30
Sergey Kononov
(Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics(BINP))
04/09/2020, 14:50
Eszter Dian
04/09/2020, 16:17