3:55 PM
Chemical studies of Nh (Z=113) and Mc (Z=115) at TASCA
Alexander Yakushev
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
4:20 PM
Functionalized surfaces and oxidation states of on-line produced thallium
Evgeny Tereshatov
(Texas A&M University)
4:40 PM
The isotope program at ORNL for targets for superheavy element research
Julie Ezold
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
5:00 PM
Key aspects for the production of the ideal actinide target for the production of superheavy elements
Christoph Düllmann
(Univ. Mainz / GSI / HIM)
5:20 PM
Ion-Beam Induced Structural and Chemical Changes in Targets Used for Superheavy Element Production
Carl-Christian Meyer
(JGU Mainz / HIM)