EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force (RRTF)

Real and virtual photon production at ultra-low transverse momentum and low mass at LHC

Participation in the RRTF is by invitation only.


ZOOM LINK Open Symposium:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 629 0170 5893
Passcode: 010048

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Meeting ID: 629 0170 5893
Passcode: 010048

Find your local number: https://cern.zoom.us/u/cdx4rg1GwG

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Meeting ID: 629 0170 5893
Passcode: 010048


Information for participants

Please enter through the gate at the end of the parking lot and show your photo ID to the guards. You will receive a day pass.
Please return the day pass when leaving the GSI campus.

The symposium takes place in the KBW lecture hall, afternoon hands-on sessions take place in parallel in the sideroom of the KBW lecture hall and in the sideroom of the SB1 lecture hall. Signs will guide you. 

Unfortunately, the pandemic has not released us yet.
For your own interest and to protect others, please have yourself tested before entering the Campus and keep your distance (approx. 1.5 m) and/or wear a mask, whenever this is not possible.

Further details:


Instructions for speakers

Symposium talks

Such a presentation is targeting a general audience, consisting of many doctoral students and postdocs. It should have an extended general introduction, summarize the present status and point out open issues and possible future developments.

Duration: 40 minutes + discussions


RRTF talks

Such a presentation is targeting a more specialized audience. A brief introduction should be given. Emphasis should be given to latest developments, open issues and possible future developments. 

Duration: 30 minutes + discussion


Lecture Hall
Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt/Germany