Agenda of the Meeting on WEDNESDAY (12.09.2018):
Beam time 2018 status update
-- overall shutdown and dryrun status: S. Reimann: 15mins
-- ESR dryrun status: M. Steck, 15mins
-- SIS18 controls dryrun status: Jens/R. Bär: 15mins
-- radiation trip at HEBT: T. Radon 15mins
-- Updates from CRYring, IOS and HEBT: MKs
Q1 2019 beam time planning:
-- Physics program for Q1 2019 beam time: D. Severin: 10mins
-- The impact of Q1 2019 beam time on the SIS18 GAF completion: Jens: 10mins
-- Other boundary conditions: all
Round table discussion
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