24.–27. Apr. 2018
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

!!!   New abstract and registration deadline: Friday 16th of March   !!!


The four-day workshop includes the annual Workshop on Ion and Particle Beams (Ionenstrahl Workshop) of the German community and the MAT User Collaboration Meeting giving the users of the GSI ion beam facilities a chance to present current activities. The event offers also a platform to discuss upcoming opportunities for Material Science at the future FAIR Facility. We expect exciting discussions regarding the future road of the interdisciplinary MAT user community towards FAIR, with special focus on irradiation experiments of samples under high pressures.

Topics include:

  • Irradiation effects with energetic ions
  • Radiation effects and defects in metals, semiconductors, ceramics
  • Modification of insulators, polymers, and biomaterials
  • Radiation hardness of materials
  • Material under extreme conditions
  • Nanostructure synthesis with ion beams
  • Analysis with ion beams and positrons

Deadline for registration and abstract submission                    March 5, 2018



During the MAT-Science Week the following sessions are planned:

April 24-25

Annual Workshop on Ion and Particle Beams

Talks and posters will address current activities by the German community using positrons and ion beams (from eV up to GeV) for analysis, material modification and fabrication of nanostructures. Updates on research and instrumentation at large scale facilities supported by the “Verbundforschung” will be discussed.


April 25-27

MAT User Collaboration Meeting and Material Science at the Future FAIR Facility

The goal is to present current MAT user activities and to develop further strategies for the experimental research program during and after the construction phase of the new FAIR facilities. With experts from high-pressure physics, radiation effects in solids, geosciences, plasma physics, and nanoscience, we anticipate stimulating discussion on future MAT applications of GSI/FAIR beams.

Dedicated overview talks on the following topics will be provided

  • GSI/FAIR facilities including UNILAC and SIS-18, the CRYRING (the storage ring for ions with highest charge states and energies up to 10 MeV per nucleon is currently under commissioning) and future beamlines at FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) providing beams of highest intensities and energies up to 10 GeV per nucleon (Daniel Severin).
  • PRIOR (Proton Microscope for FAIR) for high-precision proton radiography (Dimtry Varentsov)
  • Radiation effects induced by swift heavy ions (Marcel Toulemonde)
  • Solids under extreme conditions, coupling swift heavy ions and high pressure (Maik Lang)
  • High-pressure technology (NN)
  • High-pressure science (NN)
  • Extreme conditions/warm dense matter (Paul Neumayer)
  • Compact synchrotron source (Björn Winkler)


There is no conference fee.

Postdocs and students are strongly encouraged to participate.

Please pass this information on to interested colleagues.

KBW lecture hall
Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt / Germany