28.–30. Mai 2009
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
This workshop intends to bring together scientists interested in the physics of an electron nucleon collider and an electron ion collider. All aspects of such a collider will be discussed: 1. the physics case and the future perspectives 2. accelerator physics aspect of a high luminosity collider and 3. the integration of a detector at the interaction point. It is a common workshop of the EIC collaboration aiming at an Electron Ion Collider in the US and the ENC collaboration, working at an electron nucleon collider at GSI as a future extension of the upcoming FAIR facility. Organising Committee Frank Maas (GSI and Mainz U., chair) Mauro Anselmino (INFN, Torino) Reinhard Beck (U Bonn) Achim Denig (U Mainz) Abhay Deshpande (SUNY and RIKEN BNL) Rolf Ent (JLab) Henri Kowalski (DESY) Fabienne Kunne (CEA, Saclay) Rudolf Maier (FZ Jülich) Richard Milner (MIT) Günther Rosner (U Glasgow) Andreas Schäfer (U Regensburg) Marc Vanderhaeghen (U Mainz) Dietrich von Harrach (U Mainz)
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Main auditorium
Planck Strasse 1 64291 Darmstadt Hessen Deutschland
The venue of the workshop is GSI. Please note, that you need to register to the workshop in order to get access to GSI. Registration fee is 80€ to be paid in cash upon arrival, it covers coffe breaks and lunch.