29. Oktober 2024
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Workshop format:


"The goal of the Workshop is to gather together the past, present and future research topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence at GSI/FAIR, as well as providing an opportunity to develop possible synergies between research themes and forge new collaborations/networks across the campus. 


The Workshop will take the form of some invited (plenary) presentations, with the bulk comprising so-called 'flash' talks of length 10+5, wherein colleagues are invited to present their research (whether complete, ongoing or ideas for future work). There will be plenty of time allocated for discussion and networking. Colleagues wanting to present will be asked to submit a short (~1 paragraph) text describing their contribution. This input will form the basis of a document to be prepared by the GSI AI Working Group, wherein the future goals for AI research at GSI/FAIR will be collated."


Contact persons:

Helena May Albers (h.albers@gsi.de)

Johan Messchendorp (j.messchendorp@gsi.de)

Shahab Sanjari (s.sanjari@gsi.de)

Emika Bartodziej (e.bartodziej@gsi.de) - organisational aspects

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
KBW Lecture Hall
Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
Zur Karte