
Search for atomic levels in nobelium 254No with laser spectroscopy in a buffer-gas cell

by Felix Lautenschläger (TU Darmstadt and GSI Darmstadt)

SB3 2.283 (Atomic Physics Seminar Room)

SB3 2.283

Atomic Physics Seminar Room

Relativistic effects have a big impact on the physical and chemical properties of the heaviest elements by influencing their valence electron configuration. At GSI, we employ the Radiation Detected Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RADRIS) technique in a buffer-gas cell to study the atomic structure of these elements. The element nobelium No (Z=102) has a simple atomic structure (1S0). It can be produced in a sufficient amount (17 particles/s at target) via the fusion reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n)254No. Up to now, there are no experimental data on atomic levels in elements above fermium available. In this talk, the method, the setup and recent results will be presented and discussed.