7-12 June 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

A Decade of Nuclear Structure studies with post-accelerated european RIB

9 Jun 2015, 09:00
Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Invited talk Nuclear structure far from stability Nuclear structure far from stability 2


Dr Emmanuel Clement (CNRS / GANIL)


A bit more than one decade ago, large scale post-accelerated radioactive beam facilities have been put in operation in Europe for experiment at and below the Coulomb barrier. The REX-ISOLDE and SPIRAL1 facilities associated to the development of new instruments have produced numerous results which will be discussed in the present talk. A second generation of RIB facilities is under preparation in Europe with SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE and the SPES project. Prospectives will be presented with the use of these new facilities.

Primary author

Dr Emmanuel Clement (CNRS / GANIL)

Presentation Materials