7-12 June 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

EURISOL Distributed Facility: Paving the way towards the ultimate ISOL facility for EUROPE

9 Jun 2015, 16:30
Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Invited talk Future RIB facilities Future RIB facilities 2


Dr Yorick Blumenfeld (IPN Orsay, IN2P3-CNRS, Université Paris-Sud)


The EURISOL concept was designed to provide radioactive ion beams through the ISOL method with unprecedented intensities and with post accelerated energies up to 150A MeV. ISOL facilities currently under construction or design in Europe, in particular HIE-ISOLDE, ISOL@MYRRHA, SPES and SPIRAL2 will provide the scientific and technological stepping stones towards an ultimate single site EURISOL facility. In order to better integrate the exploitation and upgrade of these facilities five laboratories or agencies (BEC – Belgian EURISOL Consortium, CERN, COPIN- Poland, GANIL, and INFN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a EURISOL Distributed Facility (DF) which would have the following goals: • Prepare a strong scientific case for RIB science and applications • Support, upgrade, optimize and coordinate ISOL-based European facilities and projects as a necessary step towards EURISOL • Foster R&D on RIB production and Instrumentation towards EURISOL • Place EURISOL-DF on the ESFRI list as a candidate project by 2018 • Have EURISOL as a single site facility as a long term goal In this talk, after a brief reminder of the characteristics of EURISOL defined during the Design Study, I will discuss the contributions of the different facilities to the DF and the planned upgrades of these facilities to be carried out in the context of the DF. I will present the organization and timeline leading towards the inclusion of the DF on the ESFRI list and touch upon a few possibilities for its legal structure.

Primary author

Dr Yorick Blumenfeld (IPN Orsay, IN2P3-CNRS, Université Paris-Sud)

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