7-12 June 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Manipulations of the high power targets and its infrastructure: preparations, operations and maintenances

11 Jun 2015, 11:10
Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Invited talk Production and manipulation of RIB Production and manipulation of RIB


Dr Hanna Frånberg-Delahaye (GANIL)


The continuous search for the most exotic radioactive ion beams is on-going since decades. The need to understand the fundamental physics around us leads us to try to reproduce the very first elements that existed in the beginning. While the research are ongoing and with the beams delivered new techniques for detection and manipulations of the beams are developed. With new beam and intensity requests also the production targets and its environment has to be upgraded To minimize the risks for the environment and the persons working in our RIB facilities modern techniques are used to construct, handle and survey the production stations, this is imposed not only by laws and regulations (which are not the same in all countries) but also by our knowledge of the risks we are taking. In new facilities under construction these requirement are taken into account from the planning for the facilities, for older installations - adaptations or new inventions are necessary to continue the work. The challenges are many - and often the inverse to industry using the same techniques - making the developments in this field highly interesting and important: complex interfaces not adapted to nuclear environment, accessibility, delays, non routine operations and high radiations are just a few of the issues.

Primary author

Dr Hanna Frånberg-Delahaye (GANIL)


Dr Franck Varenne (GANIL)

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