7-12 June 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Magnetic moment in self-conjugate 24Mg. Towards high-precision measurements of picosecond excited states with RIB.

9 Jun 2015, 10:30
Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Contributed talk Nuclear structure far from stability Nuclear structure far from stability 2


Dr Georgi Georgiev (CSNSM Orsay)


For many years, the g factors of the first-excited states of self-conjugate nuclei, with equal numbers of protons and neutrons (N = Z), were expected to be very close to g = 0.5. This behavior occurs because protons and neutrons occupy the same orbits and the intrinsic-spin moments of the nucleons largely cancel, leaving the orbital motion of the protons to produce the nuclear magnetism. Recent shell model calculations, however, predict departures from g = 0.5 by up to 10 % for the first-excited 2+ states in the N = Z sd-shell nuclei from 20Ne to 36Ar. These departures stem from three mechanisms, namely, configuration mixing in the shell-model space; the Coulomb interaction between protons leading to isospin mixing; and meson exchange effects. In an experiment, performed at the ALTO facility in Orsay, we applied a modified version of the Time Dependent Recoil In Vacuum (TDRIV) method using the ORGAM Ge-detectors array and the Orsay Universal Plunger System (OUPS). The use of predominant H-like ions allowed determining the strong hyperfine field (29 kT) created at the nuclear site with very high accuracy, thus obtaining a high precision g-factor value, one of the most precise ever obtained for picosecond nuclear states. In this measurement we used "radioactive-beam configuration", in which the beam was not stopped in the center of the experimental setup but allowed to go through a thin "reset" foil. This modification of the TDRIV technique would allow its further application with radioactive ion beams. The obtained g factor, g(2+, 24Mg) = 0.538 (13) [1], differs by three standard deviations from the 0.5 value, expected in the simple shell-model picture. In order to reproduce the experimental result it is necessary to take into account all three above-mentioned contributions (wave-function configuration mixing; modification of the free-nucleon magnetic moment operator due to meson-exchange effects; and isospin-mixing effects). This is the first experimental results, obtained with sufficient accuracy to allows testing the nuclear-theory predictions in fine details. [1] A. Kusoglu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 062501 (2015)

Primary authors

Dr Alain Goasduff (CSNSM, Orsay, France) Prof. Andrew Stuchbery (ANU, Canberra, Australia) Asli Kusoglu (Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey) Prof. B.A. Brown (NSCL, MSU, East-Lansing, USA) Mr Christophe SOTTY (KU Leuven - IKS) Dr David Verney (IPN, Orsay, France) Dr Desire Radeck (INP, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany) Dr Deyan Yordanov (IPN, Orsay, France) Prof. Dimiter Balabanski (ELI-NP / IFIN-HH) Dr Georgi Georgiev (CSNSM Orsay) Dr Iolanda Matea (IPN, Orsay, France) Dr Iulian Stefan (IPN, Orsay, France) Dr Joa Ljungvall (CSNSM, Orsay, France) Dr Kalin Gladnishki (University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria) Lilia Atanasova (INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria) Prof. Melih Bostan (Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey) Dr Miroslav Danchev (University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria) Pavel Detistov (INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Presentation Materials