10:00 AM
Welcome & Presentation of EMMI
(Lecture Hall (side room))
10:30 AM
Overview of research activities at GSI
Th. Kühl
(Lecture Hall (side room))
11:00 AM
XRTS as Diagnostics for Warm Dense Matter heated by Particle Beams
D. Gericke
(University of Warwick)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
11:30 AM
High Energy X-Ray Spectroscopy at high-energy laser facilities
C. Szabo
(U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
9:00 AM
High-Purity X-Ray Polarimetry
B. Marx
(Universität Jena)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
9:30 AM
Absolute measurements of 2 to 4 electron argon transition energies with a Double-Crystal Spectrometer
P. Indelicato
(LKB, Université P & M Curie)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:30 AM
X-ray production from resonant coherent excitation of relativistic HCIs in crystals as a model for polarization XFEL studies in the keV range
V. Balashov
(Moscow State University)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
11:00 AM
Quantum Electrodynamics in Extreme Laser Fields
T. Heinzl
(University of Plymouth, UK)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
9:00 AM
X-ray bursts from exotic matter induced by irradiation of solid BN with intense XUV Free Electron Laser radiation
F. Rosmej
(University Pierre and Marie Curie)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
9:30 AM
Matter in Extreme Conditions Instrument with LCLS in SLAC
H. Lee
(LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Lab.)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
10:00 AM
Resolution of uranium critical point location problem as a goal for HIB and laser heating and x-ray diagnostics
I. Iosilevskiy
(JIHT RAS, Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
10:30 AM
--- break ---
11:00 AM
Concluding discussion
(Lecture Hall (side room))
12:00 PM
High-resolution spectroscopy of highly charged high-Z ions using an array of x-ray calorimeter spectrometers
D. Thorn
(ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Laser driven x-ray radiography for the characterization of dense matter
E. Brambrink
(LULI, Ecole Polytechnique)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
2:30 PM
X-ray spectroscopy to investigate the Laser-cluster interaction
E. Lamour
(Institut des NanoScience de Paris)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
3:00 PM
Compton polarimetry
G. Weber
(Lecture Hall (side room))
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
K-edge shift and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy Studies of highly compressed Aluminum
A. Benuzzi-Mounaix
(LULI, Ecole Polytechnique)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
4:30 PM
X-ray Thomson Scattering for measuring Dense Be Plasma Collisionality
T. Döppner
(LLNL, Livermore)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
5:00 PM
Properties of combined hohlraum targets for probing with heavy ion beams
O. Rosmej
(Lecture Hall (side room))
5:30 PM
Fast electron generation and transport relavant to fast ignition
A. Lei
(FZD, Dresden-Rossendorf)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
12:00 PM
XANES as diagnostic to study WDM
M. Harmand
(DESY, Hamburg)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
High Energy Density Experiments at the Free-Electron Laser Facility FLASH at DESY
S. Toleikis
(DESY, Hamburg)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
2:30 PM
X-Ray Diagnostics of Extreme States of Matter
U. Zastrau
(Universität Jena)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
3:00 PM
(no title)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
3:30 PM
Tour of GSI
(Lecture Hall (side room))
4:00 PM
GSI Colloquium - Applied Research and Industrial Applications with Synchrotron Radiation at GKSS
A. Schreyer
(GKSS Research Centre)
(Lecture Hall (side room))
7:00 PM
--- Conferfence Dinner ---