Development of Laser-Driven Compact Neutron Source
Prof.Yoshiaki Kato
(The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries (GPI))
KBW 2.28 (GSI Darmstadt)
KBW 2.28
GSI Darmstadt
“Development of key technologies for compact neutron source and its industrial application” (Hideki Yoshizawa as Program Officer) was started in 2014 as a 6-year program under JST A-STEP (Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through target-driven R&D). Among the 10 projects in this program, two projects are undertaken on the development of laser-driven neutron source at GPI (PI: R. Hanayama) and ILE Osaka (PI: A. Yogo).
In this presentation, I will introduce several activities at GPI and ILE, covering the prototype concept and evaluation of the laser-driven neutron source, simulation of the laser-matter interaction, recent experimental results, and development of the neutron detectors.