HGS-HIRe Connect April 2019

Guest House (GSI)

Guest House


Marc Zimmer (TU Darmstadt)
Welcome to HGS-HIRe Connect During the last HGS-HIRe meeting we came to realize that many of the PhD students in the graduate school do not really know each other. So we came up with the idea of HGS-HIRe Connect, a social event that will give you the opportunity to create a broader PhD network, have barbeque and also learn something at the same time. The event will start at 17:00 o'clock in the GSI Guest House, but you might join whenever you like. In the first two hours there will be the opportunity for three people to give a 10 to 15 min talk (or a poster) about their research or a topic of their interest. Afterwards you will receive feedback regarding structure, comprehensibility, presenting style and body language. As we, as PhD students, are organizing this event, there is no pressure to have a perfect presentation. Feel free to try something new and see how it resonates. If you would like to participate with a talk or a poster, just write us a message. If to many people want to give a presentation we will draw lots. In case there is a lot of interest, we will schedule more events After the presentation training we will have a little barbecue and the chance to chat and relax. Our goal is to revive an active PhD community at GSI and to find out about your needs and interests. And in case you were wondering, drinks and food are on us, so come and enjoy... We hope to see you at the 11.04.19!