Roman Dzhygadlo, GSI, Update on the Barrel DIRC Prototype Test@CERN Jul-Aug, 2018 The new setup contained a prism with 33 degree opening angle, a narrow bar as radiator, a new three-layer spherical lens, and a readout with 4x2 MCP-PMTs. The results with tagged pions and protons from a TOF-system showed that the PID requirements within the expected phase space are met. Ilknur Köseoglu, Giessen, Preliminary Results of CERN Testbeam 2018 for Endcap DISC DIRC Prototype In the same beam time as above, the EDD was tested. Nine focusing elements, three read-out modules and three photosensors were used. The MCP-PMTs were Photonis Aqua, a Photonis with 2mm gap, and a Hamamatsu-Tube. The 960 channels were readout by the TOFPET system with 18 ASICs. The channels were time corrected with laser data. In all three read-out modules the Cherenkov images were observed. Daniel Miehling, Erlangen, Update on MCP-PMT oscillations and first try of CE measurement Ringing and oscillations of MCP-PMTs from Hamamatsu, JS0022 and YH0250, are observed when the tubes have multiple hits. The damping by resistors in single channels, the other channels being grounded, showed no success. First measurements of the collection efficiency of MCP-PMTs were done. Reasonable values of about 60% for a Photonis XP85012 were measured. Carsten Schwarz, GSI, MCP-PMT Ringing The Ringing of a Photonis XP85012 MCP-PMT could be damped by 75 Ohms resistors attached to all 64 channels. Markus Pfaffinger, Erlangen, Update on lifetime measurements and first results with new Photek sensor The aging of the some detectors reach now 40 years of PANDA. Most sensors with ALD coated MCPs have lifetime > 5C/cm². All non ALD devices have a lifetime of < 200mC/cm². New in the setup is a Photonis 9002108 with high collection efficiency. The Photonis XP85012 90001393 reaches now 21 C/cm2 twice the requirements for the PANDA lifetime. First measurements with a Photetek MCP-PMT was performed.It has a low dark current, low after pulsing a good timing resolution of 40ps but cannot reach a gain of 1e6. Márton Németh-Csóka, Erlangen, Results of recent magnetic field measurements Two MCP-PMTs from Hamamatsu (R13266-07-M64M) and Photonis (XP85112-Q-HA) were measured in a magnetic field of up to 1.8 T in Juelich. The change of gain, cross talk and after-pulsing was measured. The gain for all detectors stays larger than 5e5 at 1 Tesla. Erik Etzelmüller, Giessen, Recent studies regarding the Endcap Disc DIRC Erik gave an overview what their five students are doing. The activities include EDD simulation studies, transmission measurements of optical filters, focusing properties of the light guides and the status of the cosmic station for measuring muons. Sergey Kononov, BINP, Some results from the FRICH prototype test beam at BINP. Sergey showed the PANDA FRICH baseline design and results of electron test beams at BINP. The measurements were done with 4 H12700 MaPMT readout by PADIWA and a TRB3 board. The radiator was a stack of aerogel pieces. He showed parts of the Cherenkov ring. The results were compared to measurements with 2 Planacons. He also observes oscillations in the tube for large amplitudes coming probably from beam particles hitting the tube.