Minutes (Carsten Schwarz) PID Cerenkov group meeting Roman Dzhygadlo, GSI: DIRC Prototype Test 2017 Roman showed results of the CERN2017 beam experiment in the T9 area. A new 33 degree prism as expansion volume was used read out by 12 MCP-PMTs. The MCP and the 4 PADIWA discriminators were combined in a mechanically stable module. A new 3-layer cylindrical lens (eRD14 funding) was tested with a narrow bar and a plate as the radiators (plate for the EIC DIRC). The setup was improved to study the impact of azimuthal angle on hit pattern, PID performance. In summary, the Time resolution of the system was determined to be ~250 ps. The pi/p separation has improved compared to 2016. The cylindrical lens was validated and a good agreement between data and simulations were observed. Erik Etzelmueller, Giessen: Gluing Tests for the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC Erik showed test results of gluing tests of NOA-61, Epotek301-2 and APM-Epicol. He presented the setup and the procedures to apply the glue between fused silica pieces. For the NOA61 he observed the creation of bubbles and fern-like structures while curing. The UV curing of NOA-61 involves the risk of defects if curing is not done homogeneously. The other glues did not show this effect, they cured by time. It is planned to perform radiation hardness tests and to measure the spectral transmission. Simon Bodenschatz, Giessen: Construction of a Cosmic Test Stand for Particle Detectors Simon showed the test stand for muon detection in Giessen. The setup consists of Two scintillating plates defining a trigger and four layers of scintillating bars for the track reconstruction. The energy selection is done by 45 cm of lead between the trigger plates. Simulations show an expected polar angle of 3.2 mrad an azimuthal angle of 20.4 mrad, and a spatial resolution of 4.5 mm. First measurements with TOFPET (and TOFPET2 eval.-Kit) have been performed. Jana Rieger, GSI: Optical measurements of the radiator shape Jana showed the squareness and parallelism measurements of radiator bars measured with an autocollimator. Choosing the right mechanical suspension of the radiator bars, she compared prototypes from different manufacturers. A very good reproducibility of 0.01mrad was achieved. The Zeiss and Insync bars fulfill detector specifications, Zygo is close to specifications. Heraeus and Lytkarino bars did not fulfill the specifications. The measurement setup can be used in future for quality assurance of mass production detector bars. Carsten Schwarz, GSI: Next focusing lens for the Barrel DIRC Between the radiator bar and the readout plane with the photon detectors a lens system was used to get sharp Cherenkov images. Carsten showed the development of lenses from a single lens with air gap up to a three layer lens with flat focal plane. The chosen material LaK33 is radiation hard for the the lifetime of the PANDA experiment. The next iteration of the design for the lenses is a group of three lenses side at side. This design, if working, will become the final design for the detector. Markus Pfaffinger, Erlangen: Update on lifetime measurements and first results with new Photonis tube Markus showed results of a new Photonis XP85112-Q-HA tube with high collection efficiency. It has ~20-23 % QE at 300-400 nm. He tried different voltages in HV-divider between photocathode and first channel-plate. The highest voltage of 750 Volts minimized the contribution of back scattered electrons to the timing resolution. he also showed the updated values of lifetimes. Merlin Boehm, Erlangen: Setup and first results of quality assurance measurements with MCP-PMTs The quality assurance (QA) of the ~300 MCP-PMTs for the DIRC detectors need a measurement setup. He showed a setup which uses surface scans using a 3-axis stepper with a PILAS Laser. A TRBv3 and PadiwaAmp2 DAQ system measures time resolution, cross talk, dark count rate, and after pulsing, in future also gain. He measures timing resolutions with the scope which are is much better compared to the TRB system. Scope: ~65 ps, timewalk corrected ~50 ps TRB: ~180 ps, timewalk corrected ~145 ps for the Photonis XP85012 #1356. Steffen Kraus, Erlangen: Results with the 2 inch Hamamatsu YH0250 It is a 2x2 inch 8x8 pixelised MCP-PMT with no Al2O3 foil in front of the first channel-plate. The QE measurements show a high QE of 26-30%, with the highest QE area between 350 and 450nm. The gain is 10^6 and the rate capability fullfills the PANDA requirements. The tube had a timing resolution of sigma=36 ps. Klaus Foehl, Giessen: Update on MCP-PMT investigations Klaus inspected Photonis MCP-PMT Photonis, MCP-PMT Hamamatsu YS0026, and MCP-PMT Hamamatsu JH0245. He observed for the Photonis MCP variations in the current of up to 2%. The Hamamatsu tubes showed geometrical structures on the photocathode and channel-plate front. He got the recommendation to test the tubes with carefully increasing the HV with a Pilas-Laser, or to send back the tubes to the companies for inspection. Erik Etzelmueller, Giessen: Common Trigger for the 2018 Test Beam Erik discussed the trigger for the upcoming experiment at CERN. Since the trigger and timing signals can be splitted it turns out, that there is no problem.