12-14 May 2014
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS
Europe/Berlin timezone


Reconstruction and Vertexing

13 May 2014, 10:00
Faculty Club, 4-th floor (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS)

Faculty Club, 4-th floor

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS

Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany


Reconstruction and Vertexing

  • Jerome LAURET (Brookhaven National Laboratories)

Reconstruction and Vertexing

  • Ivan Kisel (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies(FIAS))

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Andreas Herten (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
13/05/2014, 10:00
Dr Yutie Liang (Giessen University)
13/05/2014, 10:40
Mr David Rohr (Uni-Frankfurt, FIAS)
13/05/2014, 11:20
Ms Valentina Akishina (Frankfurt University)
13/05/2014, 11:45
Dr Juan A. Garzon (Uni-Santiago de Compostela)
13/05/2014, 12:30
13/05/2014, 12:45
Mr Maksym Zyzak (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies(FIAS))
13/05/2014, 14:00
Dr Iouri Vassiliev (GSI)
13/05/2014, 14:50
Mr Volodymyr Vovchenko (Frankfurt University)
13/05/2014, 15:25
13/05/2014, 15:50
Building timetable...