EMMI Hadron Physics Seminar

Hadron Photoproduction at GlueX

durch Dr. Gabriel Rodriguez (Florida State University)

Theory Seminar Room (SB3 3.170a) (GSI)

Theory Seminar Room (SB3 3.170a)



The GlueX Experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab is a high precision photoproduction experiment designed to study the light-meson spectrum. A tagged photon beam with energy up to 12 GeV and degree of linear polarization up to ∼ 40% is incident on a liquid hydrogen target. The target is surrounded by a nearly hermetic detector capable of reconstructing both charged and neutral particles. In 2018 the first data collection campaign ended, recording a total integrated luminosity above 400 pb−1. This world-leading data set has produced many published measurements with several more nearing completion. I will highlight several of these results focusing on those that inform our understanding of hadron production mechanisms and the search for light hybrid mesons. Since the completion of the first data collection campaign, the GlueX detector has been upgraded and a second data collection campaign is well underway. In view of this, I will also discuss future avenues of research at GlueX.