
High-Precision Mass Measurements with the PENTATRAP Penning-Trap ExperimentHYBRID

durch Jan Nägele (MPI-K Heidelberg)

KBW 2.028 & 638 5681 6325 (GSI & Zoom)

KBW 2.028 & 638 5681 6325

GSI & Zoom

https://gsi-fair.zoom.us/j/63856816325 Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325 Passcode: AP_Seminar dial by phone +496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland +496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland

The PENTATRAP experiment at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg is a high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer that utilizes a cryogenic environment, a stable magnet, and an image current detection system to determine mass ratios of stable and long-lived highly charged ions with relative uncertainties in the low 10-12 regime. The data acquired by this state-of-the-art apparatus contributes to different fields of fundamental physics, e.g., fifth force search, neutrino physics, and highly charged ion clocks. In this talk I will present recent measurements on long lived electronic states, Q values of neutrino physics, and test of QED followed by future perspectives of PENTATRAP. 



Meeting-ID: 638 5681 6325
Passcode: AP_Seminar
dial by phone
+496938079884,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland
+496950500951,,63856816325#,,,,*8527227260# Deutschland


Organisiert durch

Alexandre Gumberidze - Department Atomic, Quantum & Fundamental Physics