Jan 14 – 20, 2024
Darmstädter Haus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Doubly-charm tetraquark, its quark mass dependence and left-hand cut

Jan 17, 2024, 10:50 AM
Darmstädter Haus

Darmstädter Haus

Oberseitestraße 38 6992 Hirschegg Austria
Invited talk


Sasa Prelovsek (University of Ljubljana/Regensburg)


I will review lattice QCD results on the doubly charm tetraquark and discuss the observed
dependence on the masses of light and charm quarks. The DD* scattering amplitude at larger-than physical pion masses has a so-called left-hand cut that opens slightly below threshold due to pion exchange. I plan to discuss also how to incorporate the effects of this cut on the analysis of the scattering amplitude using effective field theory approach.

Presentation materials