Jan 14 – 20, 2024
Darmstädter Haus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Heavy-flavor hadrons at LHCb

Jan 18, 2024, 5:35 PM
Darmstädter Haus

Darmstädter Haus

Oberseitestraße 38 6992 Hirschegg Austria
Invited talk


Mikhail Mikhasenko (ORIGINS Excellence Cluster, Munich, Germany)


The presentation will provide a review of the latest discoveries in heavy-flavor hadron spectroscopy at LHCb, particularly focusing on exotic multiquark states.
Key updates will include the recent evidence for a J/ψK0S structure in B0 decays, the groundbreaking observation of the first doubly charged tetraquark,
and insights from the ongoing search for pentaquarks in prompt production within proton-proton collisions.
These studies will highlight the evolving landscape of heavy-flavor spectroscopy and persistent LHCb's effort in unveiling these novel phenomena.

Presentation materials