In the last few years, Bremsstrahlung diagnostics for high power laser experiments have been developed for the Draco laser facility of Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden–Rossendorf. These diagnostics promise to shed light on the electron recirculation dynamics in planar and structured solid targets used in laser driven ion acceleration experiments [1]. They also enable simultaneous characterization of betatron radiation, Bremsstrahlung and X-ray beams generated by inverse Compton scattering in laser wakefield acceleration experiments [2].
In this frame, sampling calorimeters composed by arrays of absorbers interlaced with image plates were tested in a range of experimental conditions. This diagnostic provides absolutely calibrated energy deposition depth profiles, from which X-ray spectra were unfolded using two different methods: forward calculation of the energy deposition combined with a posterior least-squares minimization [2]; and a Bayesian unfolding algorithm [3].
This method however requires disassembling the stack shortly after irradiation to extract and scan the image plates and reassembling the stack manually before the next irradiation. In addition, accumulation of several laser shots is sometimes required depending on the signal level. Therefore, new methods have been tested in the attempt to develop online on-shot Bremsstrahlung diagnostics. This seminar provides an overview of the Bremsstrahlung diagnostics for high power laser experiments developed at the Draco 150 TW – PW laser facility.
[1] L. Huang, et al., Phys. Plasmas 29, 023102 (2022)
[2] A. Hannasch, et al., Sci. Rep. 11, 14368 (2021)
[3] A. Laso Garcia, et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 043102 (2022)
Meeting-ID: 966 2996 3798
Kenncode: 130302
Olga Rosmej