Minutes MAG Session at CM 21/3, Wednesday Oct 27, 11-13h

Evgeniy Antokhin, HESR PANDA Chicane Dipole Status

The main specifications of the large dipole magnet were recalled. The latest results on the FEM simulations regarding the stability of the magnet support structure were shown. The support will be  protected by mechanical fuses against deformation at too large sheer stress from seismic events.

The overall status of the work on the magnet construction was presented: The steel for the yoke and further materials for the yoke were ordered.  The manufacturing of the yoke will commence soon in Krasnodar. The copper for the coil was ordered at the company Luvata. Tooling manufacturing for coil winding and impregnation was ordered at the BINP workshop.

The current design of the magnet field mapping device was presented. A carbon fibre rail insensitive to magnetic fields shall carry the arm with the hall sensors and laser reflectors performing the measurement. Drawings are in preparation and a prototype shall be produced soon.


Evgeniy Pyata, PANDA Solenoid Status

The main milestones and components of the system were recalled. The components shall be ready in the course of 2022 for a assembly of the full magnet for testing and field mapping during 2023. Transport to FAIR and start of assembly at the PANDA hall are planned for mid 2024 with final acceptance tests finishing in mid 2025.

The yoke is complete and stored at BINP. Preparations for the assembly at BINP have started. The cryostat and cold mass are in production in Votkinsk and shall be delivered in Q1/2022. The quality of welding work was checked by the BINP QA team during a visit to Votkinsk.

More details were given on the status of the super-conductor production. The production of strands started at VNIIKP, a first sample of 1600m was tested at both ends. The test results are encouraging as not only all specs were kept, but the decisive  values of conductor RRR and n-value are even twice better than specified indicating a high quality super-conductor. With the strands a braided 2x4 Rutherford cable will be produced VNIINM. A further step is the preparation of pure Aluminum wires for the co-extrusion process. Optimising the extrusion temperature range between 350°C and 380°C allows to reach an overall conductor RRR above 1000 as shown by tests with the available raw material. The extrusion of the Aluminum stabilised conductor will be done at the company SarKO in Saransk. All contracts are prepared and either signed or close to signature in order to complete manufacturing of the PANDA conductor by May 2022.

The devices for the coil winding were designed and are in production. The parts of the tooling will be delivered to BINP in December 2021, photos of ready coil formers were shown.

The final design of the Control Dewar with the local cryogenics of the magnet is progressing. An outside company prepares construction drawings that need to be checked by TÜV as a notified body for the examination of safety as the device is a pressurised vessel. The Final Design Review will be held in Q1 2022.

Regarding the preparation of tests of the Solenoid magnet a new location inside BINP was selected. This place has a better foundation for the heavy weight and more overall space around. The drawback compared to the originally planned location close to the superconducting KEDR magnet is the missing Helium refrigerator. Therefore operation of the PANDA solenoid for the tests shall be done using a 1000 l LHe reservoir supplied by dewars directly from BINP's own Helium production plant.