8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Opening of the Conference
- Prof.
Eberhard Widmann
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
10:00 AM
20 Years of Antiprotonic Helium
(until 12:20 PM)
10:00 AM
History and Overview
- Prof.
(The University of Tokyo)
10:30 AM
--- break ---
10:50 AM
Antiprotonic Helium Structure and Spectroscopy.
- Dr
Vladimir Korobov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
11:20 AM
Sub-Doppler two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium
- Dr
Masaki Hori
(Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
11:40 AM
Collisional Processes of Antiprotonic Helium
- Prof.
Grigory Korenman
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
12:00 PM
Microwave Spectroscopy of the Antiprotonic He-3 Hyperfine Structure
- Ms
Susanne Friedreich
(SMI Vienna)
9:00 AM
Precision Experiments I
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
New Experiments in Neutron Physics
Hartmut Abele
(Vienna University of Technology)
9:35 AM
Quantum Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence
- Prof.
Carlo Rizzo
(Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
10:10 AM
Lorentz invariance on trial in the weak decay of rubidium atoms
- Dr
Stefan E. Mueller
10:30 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Precision Experiments II
(until 12:40 PM)
11:00 AM
g-2 of the Muon
Klaus Jungmann
(KVI Groningen)
11:30 AM
Neutron Bound beta- Decay- BOB
- Dr
Josephine McAndrew
(TU Munich)
11:50 AM
Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay
- Dr
Michael Marino
9:00 AM
Strangeness in Matter I
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Strangeness Physics at JLab
- Prof.
Satoshi N. Nakamura
(Tohoku Univ.)
9:30 AM
Recent results on K^- multinucleon absorption by FINUDA
- Dr
Alessandra Filippi
(INFN Torino)
9:50 AM
Strangeness Production in AA Collisions
- Prof.
Norbert Herrmann
(Heidelberg University)
10:10 AM
Consistency of Lambda-Lambda hypernuclear events
- Prof.
Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
10:30 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Strangeness in Matter II
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Latest results from HypHI
Daisuke Nakajima
11:30 AM
News from DISTO
- Dr
Ken Suzuki
(SMI Vienna)
11:50 AM
Momentum dependence of hadronic production of the phi-meson and the in-medium phi-width in nuclear matter
- Dr
Michael Hartmann
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
12:10 PM
Strangeness Physics at SIS
Laura Fabbietti
9:00 AM
Hadron Physics I
(until 10:45 AM)
9:00 AM
The PANDA Physics Program
Simonetta Marcello
(University of Turin)
9:30 AM
Quarkonia studies at CMS
Wolfgang Adam
(HEPHY Vienna)
9:50 AM
Charm Physics at Belle
- Dr
Jolanta Brodzicka
(INP Krakow)
10:10 AM
Studying Hadrons in Matter with PANDA
- Dr
Paul Buehler
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
10:30 AM
Determination of the Ds0*(2317) Width with the PANDA Detector
- Dr
Marius C. Mertens
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
10:45 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:15 AM
Hadron Physics II
(until 12:35 PM)
11:15 AM
Theory of kaonic deuterium in view of SIDDHARTA
Ulf-G. Meissner
(University of Bonn)
11:45 AM
Hypernuclear Physics at PANDA
- Dr
Patrick Achenbach
(KPH, University of Mainz)
12:05 PM
Exotic Atoms in Flight
- Prof.
Stanley J. Brodsky
(SLAC and Stanford University)
9:00 AM
Facilities and Experiments I
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Hadron Physics at J-PARC
- Prof.
Tomofumi Nagae
(Kyoto University)
9:30 AM
Search for Electric Dipole Moments at Storage Rings
- Dr
Gerco Onderwater
(KVI / University of Groningen)
10:00 AM
The PANDA detector at FAIR
- Mr
Thomas Würschig
(HISKP, Uni Bonn)
10:30 AM
--- coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Facilities and Experiments II
(until 12:40 PM)
11:00 AM
Antiprotons at CERN
- Mr
Tommy Eriksson
11:30 AM
The TRIµP Facility
- Dr
Lorenz Willmann
(KVI, University of Groningen)
11:50 AM
A new facility for fundamental physics: the high-intensity ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institute
- Dr
Bernhard Lauss
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
12:10 PM
Performance of the PANDA GEM-TPC prototype
Martin Berger
12:20 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
(until 4:10 PM)
2:00 PM
Confinement of antihydrogen for 1000 seconds (ALPHA Experiment)
- Prof.
Makoto C. Fujiwara
(TRIUMF/Universityof Calgary)
2:30 PM
Producing Colder Antihydrogen
- Prof.
Gerald Gabrielse
(Harvard University)
3:00 PM
Measuring the fall of antihydrogen: the AEGIS experiment at CERN
Alban Kellerbauer
(MPI Heidelberg)
3:20 PM
Synthesis of antihydrogen atoms in a CUSP trap
- Dr
Naofumi Kuroda
(University of Tokyo)
3:50 PM
CPT-symmetry studies with Antihydrogen
Ralf Lehnert
(Indiana University Center for Spacetime Symmetries)
4:10 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:35 PM
Exotic Atoms and Atomic Physics
(until 6:35 PM)
4:35 PM
Muonic hydrogen
- Dr
Randolf Pohl
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
5:05 PM
Measurement of Pionic 121Sn Atom at RI Beam Factory
- Dr
5:25 PM
Physics with Highly Charged Ions
Thomas Stöhlker
(GSI and HI Jena)
5:55 PM
Pionic hydrogen and deuterium
Detlev Gotta
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
6:15 PM
- Dr
Wolfgang Quint
12:40 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Kaonic Atoms
(until 4:45 PM)
2:00 PM
Results from the kaonic hydrogen X-ray measurement at DAFNE and outlook to future experiments
Michael Cargnelli
(SMI Vienna)
2:30 PM
Future directions in kaonic atom physics
- Prof.
Eliahu Friedman
(Racah Institute of Physics, the Hebrew University)
3:00 PM
Anti-kaons and Lambda (1405)
Slawomir Wycech
(Institute for Nuclear Studies)
3:30 PM
Kaonic 3He and 4He X-ray measurements in SIDDHARTA
- Dr
Tomoichi Ishiwatari
3:50 PM
--- break ---
4:10 PM
Coupled-channel properties of Lambda(1405) and K-pp production in p + p -> K+ + X reactions
- Prof.
Yoshinori Akaishi
4:30 PM
Energy Level Displacement of Excited np State of Kaonic Deuterium In Faddeev Equation Approach
- Prof.
Andrei Ivanov
(Atominstitut, TU Wien)
4:45 PM
Poster Session
(until 6:50 PM)
4:45 PM
Calculation of Cascade Processes rates and Simulation of the Transitions in Kaonic 4He atom
- Prof.
Seyed Zafarollah Kalantari
(Isfahan University of Technology)
4:45 PM
Calibration of a GEM-TPC prototype for PANDA with Kr-83m
Roman Schmitz
(University of Bonn)
4:45 PM
Density effects in antiprotonic helium revisited
- Prof.
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
4:45 PM
Direct Coulomb De-excitation as the Dominant Mechanism of Quenching the Metastable 2s-state of Muonic Hydrogen
- Dr
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
4:45 PM
Energy dependence of KbarN interaction in nuclear medium
- Dr
Ales Cieply
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Řež)
4:45 PM
Improved positron loading for antihydrogen research
Daniel Fitzakerley
(York University)
4:45 PM
Induced Absorption and Annihilation in Hadronic Hydrogen Atoms
- Dr
Vladimir Pomerantsev
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
4:45 PM
Investigating In-medium Lambda Production in Pion Induced Reactions
Ivana Carevic
(University of Split)
4:45 PM
Neutral Kaon Production in p+p and p+Nb Collisions with HADES
Jia-Chii Chen
(TU München, Excellence Cluster Universe)
4:45 PM
New data on production of element 115 isotopes in the reaction (Am-243)+(Ca-48)
- Dr
Farid Abdullin
(JINR Dubna)
4:45 PM
New veto detector for the pion beam at FOPI.
Gamal Ahmed
(Stefan Meyer Institute and Al-Azhar University Cairo)
4:45 PM
Preliminary results of a new study for the missing-mass spectra from reactions С(p, K0(short)) and C(p, Lambda) at 10 GeV / c.
- Dr
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
4:45 PM
Strangeness production at finite temperature and baryon density in an effective relativistic mean field model
Andrea Lavagno
(Politecnico di Torino(PT-DIFIS))
4:45 PM
The efficiency of STS-CBM-ROOT for reconstructions of Lambda and Sigma+(1385) hyperons from the experimental and the UrQMD data in p+C reaction at 10 GeV/c
- Dr
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
12:30 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Symmetries; Contributed Talks
(until 3:20 PM)
2:00 PM
CP Violation at Belle
- Dr
Christoph Schwanda
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
2:20 PM
Physics topics at KLOE-2
- Mr
Michal Silarski
(Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
2:40 PM
K^- nuclear quasi-bound states in a chirally motivated coupled-channel approach
- Dr
Jiri Mares
(Nuclear Physics Institute)
3:00 PM
Recent results on the K-(stop) + A -> Sigma+/- + pi-/+ + A reaction with FINUDA
- Dr
Stefano Piano
(INFN Trieste)
3:20 PM
--- coffee break ---
3:40 PM
Contributions II
(until 5:00 PM)
3:40 PM
A Double Kaonic Nuclear System, Kbar Kbar NN, to be formed in pp colisions
(Isfahan University of Technology; RIKEN Nishina Center)
4:00 PM
Neutron spectra from the Kbar + d break-up reaction and the shape of the Lambda(1405) resonance.
- Dr
Janos Revai
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
4:20 PM
Energy dependence of K^- -"pp" effective potential derived from coupled-channel Green's function
- Dr
Takahisa Koike
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
4:40 PM
Pion Production in Antiproton-Nucleus Interactions
Stefanie Lourenco
(University of Gießen)
7:00 PM
Conference Dinner
(until 10:30 PM)
12:35 PM
--- lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Symposium "Creativity-Innovation - the Seed for Frontier Science"
Johann Zmeskal
(SMI Vienna)
(until 6:05 PM)
2:00 PM
Helmut Rauch
(TU Vienna)
2:15 PM
Paul Kienle and the early days of FAIR
- Prof.
Horst Stöcker
2:30 PM
A love affair with quantum structures: from Moessbauer Effect to neutrino oscillations
Walter F. Henning
3:00 PM
Toward Cold and Dense Antikaonic Nuclear Clusters
Toshimitsu YAMAZAKI
(RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan)
3:30 PM
Theory of antikaon-nucleon interactions in the age of SIDDHARTA
- Prof.
Wolfram Weise
(Physics Department, TU Munich)
4:00 PM
--- coffee break ---
4:20 PM
Giant Nuclear Systems and the Decay of the Vacuum in Supercritical Field
Walter Greiner
4:50 PM
Super-heavy Elements in Nature
Walter Kutschera
(Vienna University)
5:20 PM
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
- Prof.
Günther Rosner
5:50 PM
Paul Kienle: Life in Pictures
Laura Fabbietti
(TU Munich)
6:05 PM
(until 8:00 PM)
(Aula (Main Building))
12:40 PM
--- lunch break ---
1:40 PM
Contributions III
(until 4:00 PM)
1:40 PM
Studies of the antikaon-nucleon interaction at DAFNE
- Dr
Oton Vazquez Doce
2:00 PM
Hyperfine spectroscopy of simple systems in external magnetic field
- Prof.
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
2:20 PM
Kinetic Energy Distributions of Muonic and Pionic Hydrogen Atoms
- Dr
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
2:40 PM
Spectrum of the muon decay in orbit
- Prof.
Andrzej Czarnecki
(University of Alberta)
3:00 PM
Influence of muon cascade and μ-molecule formation on the μCF process kinetics in deuterium
- Dr
Mark Faifman
(Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”)
3:20 PM
Closing of the Conference
- Prof.
Eberhard Widmann
(Stefan Meyer Institute)