8:45 AM
Welcome Session
Klaus Peters
(until 9:35 AM)
8:45 AM
Welcome by the Local Organizers
Klaus Peters
8:55 AM
Welcome by GSI Director
Horst Stöcker
9:05 AM
Status of FAIR
Lars Schmitt
9:35 AM
Production 1
Klaus Peters
(until 11:05 AM)
9:35 AM
Charmonium production in pp collisions at 7TeV with the CMS experiment
Alessandra Fanfani
9:55 AM
Bottonium production in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the CMS experiment
Adrian Perieanu
10:15 AM
Factorization and Quarkonium production
Jianwei Qiu
10:40 AM
Central exclusive quarkonium production in hadron colliders
Lucian Harland-Lang
11:05 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:35 AM
Production 2
Vaia Papadimitriou
(until 1:05 PM)
11:35 AM
Double quarkonium production in hadron colliders from the perspective of NRQCD
Chaehyun Yu
11:55 AM
Uncertainty in the theoretical prediction for the polarization of heavy quarkonium produced at the LHC
Jian-Xiong Wang
12:15 PM
Jpsi production + polarisation + double charm production at LHCb
Maddalena Frosini
12:40 PM
Cross Section measurments for Y(nS), psi(2S), chi_c and chi_b at LHCb
Ulrich Kerzel
8:55 AM
Spectroscopy 1
Klaus Götzen
(until 11:10 AM)
8:55 AM
Status of PANDA
James Ritman
9:20 AM
Highlights from CLEO
Ryan Mitchell
9:45 AM
Observation of the h_b and h_b' at Belle and the Z_b's
Roman Mizuk
10:10 AM
Bound state nature of the exotic Z_b states
Feng-kun Guo
Ulf Meissner
10:30 AM
Properties of the eta_b and h_b at BaBar
Claudia Patrignani
10:50 AM
Hot Topics from Belle
Roman Mizuk
11:10 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Spectroscopy 2
Nora Brambilla
(until 12:55 PM)
11:30 AM
Charmonium spectroscopy on Nf=2+1 isotropic lattices
Craig McNeile
11:50 AM
Charmonium spectroscopy on Nf=2+1 anisotropic lattices
Sinead Ryan
12:10 PM
The discrete contribution to psi' -> J/psi+ gamma gamma
Zhi-Guo He
12:35 PM
Spectroscopy at BESIII
Hu Liu
8:45 AM
Beyond Standard Model
Miriam Fritsch
(until 10:45 AM)
8:45 AM
New Physics searches in quarkonium decays - theory
Miguel Angel Sanchis Lozano
9:15 AM
New Physics searches in quarkonium decays - experimental
Bryan Fulsom
9:45 AM
Light dark matter and U bosons in quarkonium decays
Pierre Fayet
10:15 AM
Bound states and SUSY
Andrew Blechman
10:45 AM
Standard Model/Spectroscopy/Decay/Production
Estia Eichten
(until 11:05 AM)
10:45 AM
Heavy quark-antiquark threshold at NNL
M. Stahlhofen
11:05 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Standard Model/Spectroscopy/Decay/Production
Estia Eichten
(until 12:15 PM)
11:30 AM
CDF Bc lifetime
Hao Song
11:50 AM
Bc mass and cross section
Jibo He
8:45 AM
Decay/Spectroscopy 2
Antonio Vairo
(until 11:05 AM)
8:45 AM
Two-photon physics at BaBar
Pietro Biassoni
9:05 AM
eta_c(') measurements at Belle
Simon Eidelman
9:25 AM
Effective field theory for electromagnetic transitions of heavy quarkonium
Piotr Pietrulewicz
9:45 AM
Bottomonium decays at Babar
Peter Kim
10:05 AM
Bottomonium decays at Belle (Upsilon decays)
XiaoLong Wang
10:25 AM
NRQCD matrix elements for S-wave bottomonia and Gamma[eta_b(nS) -> gamma gamma] with relativistic corrections
Hee Sok Chung
10:45 AM
Pseudoscalar Quarkonium Exclusive Decays to Vector Meson Pair
Cong-Feng Qiao
11:05 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM
Decay 1
Chang Zheng Yuan
(until 12:55 PM)
11:30 AM
BES: J/psi, psi', and psi'' decays
Gang Li
11:50 AM
Properties of the J/psi, psi(2S), and psi(3770) at KEDR
Simon Eidelman
12:15 PM
BES: chi_cJ/eta_c decays
Jan Zhong
12:35 PM
O(alpha_s v^2) Corrections to Hadronic and Electromagnetic Decays of 1S_0 Heavy Quarkonium
Yan-Qing Ma
1:05 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:05 PM
Production 3
Geoff Bodwin
(until 4:10 PM)
2:05 PM
J/psi production in pp collisions in the ALICE experiment
Livio Bianchi
2:30 PM
NLO calculations of heavy quarkonia production at hadron colliders
Yan-Qing Ma
2:50 PM
Global NLO analysis of J/psi production with NRQCD
Mathias Butenschoen
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Y polarization - CDF
Matthew Jones
3:45 PM
Measurement of cross sections of J/psi and upsilon in ATLAS
Michela Biglietti
4:10 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Andreas Meyer
(until 6:30 PM)
4:30 PM
An introduction to k_t-factorization and how it works in CASCADE; k_t-factorization vs the collinear scheme in double J/psi production
Sergey Baranov
5:00 PM
Production of Triply Heavy Baryons
Yu Qi Chen
5:20 PM
The PHENIX in-medium quarkonia program
Anthony D. Frawley
5:45 PM
The impact parameter dependence of shadowing
Darren McGlinchley
6:05 PM
Latest Quarkonium results from HERA
Alessandro Bertolin
12:55 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Spectroscopy 3
Joan Soto
(until 4:10 PM)
2:00 PM
NRQCD spectrum with improved NRQCD matching coefficients
Rachel Dowdall
2:20 PM
Spectroscopy of the XYZ states at Belle
Bruce Yabsley
2:40 PM
Spectroscopy of the XYZ states at BaBar
Antimo Palano
3:05 PM
Chiara Sabelli
3:25 PM
Simulation results for a resonance scan of the X(3872) at Panda
Martin Galuska
3:45 PM
XYZ, mass and cross section at LHCB
Matthew D. Needham
4:10 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Spectroscopy/Decay 1
Ryan Mitchell
(until 6:45 PM)
4:30 PM
The status of pion transitions in quarkonium decays
Estia Eichten
4:50 PM
Dipion and tripion invariant mass spectra in X(3872) ---> J/psi pi pi (pi) within chiral lagrangian approach
Pyungwon Ko
5:10 PM
Interplay of quark and meson degrees of freedom in a near-threshold resonance
Alexey Nefediev
5:30 PM
Interaction energies between static-light mesons
Marc Wagner
5:50 PM
Interquark potentials
Yoichi Ikeda
6:10 PM
Heavy exotics in heavy ion collisons
Sungtae Cho
6:30 PM
Exotics with sum rules
Raphael Albuquerque
12:15 PM
Media 1
E. Scomparin
(until 1:00 PM)
12:15 PM
Bottomonium above deconfinement in lattice nonrelativistic QCD
M.P. Lombardo
12:35 PM
Production and suppression of J/psi and Upsilon states in Pb-Pb collisions at CMS
Camelia Mironov
1:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:10 PM
Media 2
Peter Petreczky
(until 3:55 PM)
2:10 PM
Charmonium production in statistical models
J. Stachel
2:30 PM
Results from ALICE
Gines Martinez
2:55 PM
A non-perturbative look at heavy quark diffusion
Mikko Laine
3:15 PM
EFT calculation of the gluon dissociation and charm dissociation cross section
M. Escobedo
3:35 PM
Quarkonium in a moving thermal bath
Joan Soto
3:55 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:20 PM
Media 3
Anthony Frawley
(until 6:40 PM)
4:20 PM
Results from ATLAS
Iwona Grabowska-Bold
4:45 PM
J/psi and Upsilon production in Au+Au collisions at STAR
Rosi Reed
5:10 PM
Sum rules for quarkonium at T>0
Kenji Morita
5:30 PM
Lattice QCD and quarkonium at T>0
Olaf Kaczmarek
5:50 PM
Spatial charmonium correlators at T>0 in 2+f QCD
P. Petreczky
6:10 PM
Round table on Quarkonium Suppression (Chair: N. Brambilla; Participants: M. Laine, M. Lombardo, K. Morita, P. Petreczky, J. Soto)
7:30 PM
--- Social Dinner ---
12:55 PM
--- Lunch break ---
1:55 PM
Decay / Standard Model
Simon Eidelman
(until 4:05 PM)
1:55 PM
Frank-Condon principle in excited Heavy Quarkonia
J. Torres Rincon
2:15 PM
NLO US running of all subleading potentials
Antonio Pineda
2:35 PM
Lattice NRQCD matching coefficients
Georg von Hippel
2:55 PM
Results on R from Belle, BaBar and CLEO
Galina Pakhlova
3:20 PM
Potential in Nf=2 QCD
Bjoern Leder
3:40 PM
Charm physics from the ETM Collaboration
Gregorio Herdoiza
4:05 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Standard Model 2
Antonio Pineda
(until 5:30 PM)
4:30 PM
Precision determination of r_0 Lambda_ MS from the QCD static energy
Xavier Garcia i Tormo
4:50 PM
Roundtable discussion on the charmed sea (Moderator: E. Eichten; Participants: P. Mackenzie, C. Urbach, J. Qiu, A. Vairo, M. P. Lombardo)
5:30 PM
Future opportunities
Klaus Peters
(until 6:30 PM)
5:30 PM
Prospects for quarkonia at SuperKEKB
Stephen Olsen
5:50 PM
Quarkonium physics at a fixed-target experiment with the proton and lead LHC beams
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
6:10 PM
Super B
Elisa Manoni