BINP FAIR Workshop May, 29th 2020 10.00-13.00 Participants: Lars Schmitt, Konstantin Gorchakov, D. Prasuhn, Vladimir Eliseev, Tatiana Berbasova, Evgeniy Antokhin, Sergey Pivovarov, Alexandr Erokhin, Tasso, Jost, Olga Ritscher, Evgeniy Pyata, Later: Yuriy Tikhonov (10.12, left 10.54), Valentin Plyusnin (10.37), Anton Kalinin, S. Lucic, Mikhail Kholopov, Ivan Remolina 10.05 Short welcome 10:06 Presentation by Antokhin - Lars asked for clarification, if the power cables are cooled or just the coils. Answer: only the coils are cooled. - Lars: Is 3D modell complete? Jost: A lot of collisions. Can't find relevant ones. Tatiana: There are no mistakes in details and assemblies. Only nuts/connections causes collisions. Jost asks for latest 3d modell. Agreed to send (AP1). They use different software and the conversion may cause problem. - Jost: Slide "deform and stability" is general problem. Which steel will be used? Tatiana: Steel 20. Jost gives hint that welded steel has less strength. Tatiana has analysed and Jost asked for sending of this analysis (AP2). 10.31 Presentation by K. Gorchakov - Lars: Need specs of transformer(AP3) Valentin joined -> short recap of presentation - Dieter hints to GSI hotline on ACU. Asks who produces DCCT? Answer: All coming from Netherland producer. Which long term stability can be achieved? Answer: HF ripples not a problem. Will start to calculate. Current stability unclear, need to read more documentation which will be provided (internally). The magnet(field) is so big, that it will not follow each ripple (remark from Dieter) Dipole session ended 10:56 Presentation by Alexandr Erokhin Decided to buy commercial power supplies, with which they already have experience (page 12) For cooling new heat sinks have been designed to accept > 6 bars cooling water pressure, so no special treatment of cooling water necessary - Lars: Documents will be distributed? Yes. 5100A still okay, but approaching limit. No problem, because in total power supply is higher than 5100A (each of the power supplies provides 1500A). Supplies have been used for CERN magnet tests - Alexandr: Did you measure that device fulfils the specs? Previous generation was tested in Budker to be stable enough. In case of repair there is good contact to offices of the american company in Russia and Israel. Discussion about spare parts, lifetime of components and replacements. Number of spares needs to be defined.(AP4) 11.43 Presentation by Evgeniy Pyata - Jost: What was reason for short circuit in test coil? Accuracy. Mechanical tests were okay. Thickness after machining. 12.30 Discussion of field mapping Get understanding where the costs come from (AP5) For Dipole the complete gap should be measured - Presentation of proposal for Dipole field mapping by Antokhin Presentation will be sent with questions and comments to Lars/Jost (AP6) - Lars asks for field mapping presentation for the Solenoid. Need information to prepare proposal of contract Other Question Tatiana has question about placement of geo markers for survey. Lars and Jost suggest that she makes a proposal where to put the fiducial markers for field mapping measurements (AP7) 13.10 end of session Action Points: AP1: Send latest 3d modell to Jost AP2: Send analysis to Jost AP3: Send specs to Lars AP4: Specify number and treatment of spare power supplies -> In meeting Lars found definition in contract: Enough spares for 10 year operation AP5: Send docs with cost estimations to Lars AP6: Send presentation AP7: Send proposal for marker positions