21.–24. Mai 2017
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

The aim of this workshop to share the experience in design and operation of Ionization Profile Monitors. The first half of the workshop will be devoted to general discussion of recent technological developments and operational issues. The second part of the workshop will be a follow up of the 2016 workshop (https://indico.cern.ch/event/491615/) on IPM simulations.

Workshop summary: Summary_ARIES_WS2017_IPM.pdf

The workshop is financed by the European Union via the project ARIES (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society).











Workshop praticipants (photo by G. Otto)


The workshop fee is 100 euros. It includes all the meals (also welcome reception), coffee breaks and the hotel costs.

A number of rooms had been blocked at the Hotel Weißer Schwan in Darmstadt-Arheilgen, see http://www.weisser-schwan.com/. Please book a room directly at the hotel via the web-site using the keyword IPM2017 in the field 'Nachricht'. The web-site is available only in German; in case of problems please contact us. The special rate is 63 € per night including breakfast. Public transportation from the hotel to the workshop venue at GSI is operated frequently. Alternatively, some rooms are available in the GSI guesthouse.

Workshop fee:
The workshop fee can be paid by a bank transfer.
Account number is: IBAN: DE56500500005001865004
Account holder: GSI
Additional information: IPM17, 63008 ARIES WP8, YOUR NAME
Alternatively the fee can be paid by cash or by credit card during the workshop.