Plasmaphysik Sonderseminar

Terahertz coherent transition radiation based on the laser-driven electron beam

by Prof. Jingyi Mao (Center for Terahertz Technology Research, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.)

KBW 5.29 (GSI Darmstadt)

KBW 5.29

GSI Darmstadt

Single-cycle, coherent terahertz (THz) transients have very profound value of potential application in materials and bio-medical, etc. Recently fast electrons from the fs laser-solid interactions are used to be incident into thin film targets and generate coherent intense terahertz radiation through transition radiation mechanism. However, the state-of-art fast electron beam divergence is large, and the beam mono-energetic property and orientation need to be improved, so the coherence of the emitted terahertz radiation is limited as well. In order to solve the problem, fs laser-driven target surface electron (TSE) bunch is investigated and optimized, which might be applied in the terahertz field. Prof. Dr. Jingyi Mao, study in the laser-plasma research field from 2007 in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the year of 2012 she got her phD degree with the thesis on fs laser-driven electron acceleration and X-ray generations. In the next 3 years, as a Carl-Zeiss fellow, she studied the laser-driven XUV generation and its applications in TU Kaiserslautern. During this period, she had two opportunities to collaborate with Prof. Kuehl and PD Dr. Rosmej at GSI, supported by all PHELIX fellows. Right now she is working in CIGIT, CAS with the project of the laser-driven terahertz radiation, detection and applications.