During the academic semesters the plasma physics department hosts seminars on Tuesday at 2:30 pm.
If you have questions or want to suggest a speaker/topic, please contact Prof. Olga Rosmej or Dr. Paul Neumayer.

Plasmaphysik Seminar

Quantum Effects in Extreme Fields - Ultrahigh Intensity Physics at the Center for Relativistic Laser Science

by Mr Bjoern Manuel Hegelich (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)

Seminarraum Theorie (SB3 3.170a) (GSI Darmstadt)

Seminarraum Theorie (SB3 3.170a)

GSI Darmstadt

At the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS) we have recently commissioned a 4 PW laser system that can focus in various geometries, reaching peak intensities of up to 1023 W/cm2. We are establishing a broad scientific program centering on exploring quantum effects at ultrahigh intensities, the development of laser particle and photon sources and the development of the required ultrahigh intensity laser technology. I will review the status of the program, describing the laser and experimental system using examples of recent and currently planned experiments on radiation reactions, electron and ion acceleration and non-linear Compton scattering and outline future plans and opportunities for collaborations and joined experiments.