21-23 May 2018
Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS
Europe/Berlin timezone

Vector-interaction-enhanced bag model

21 May 2018, 18:30
Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS

Goethe University Frankfurt and FIAS

Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1 60438 Frankfurt am Main


Mr Mateusz Cierniak (University of Wrocław)


For quark matter studies in astrophysics the thermodynamic bag model (tdBag) has been widely used. It approximates the effect of quark confinement, but does not explicitly account for the breaking of chiral symmetry, an important property of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It also doesn't account for repulsive vector interaction necessairy for astrophysical studies. vBag extends the tdBag approach by considering both dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and vector interactions. In this talk the impact of this novel approach on the QCD phase diagram and protoneutron star equation of state will be discussed as well as a finite temperature extension of the model for use in core-collapse supernova simulations.

Primary author

Mr Mateusz Cierniak (University of Wrocław)


Dr Thomas Klaehn (California State University, Long Beach) Dr Tobias Fischer (University of Wroclaw)

Presentation Materials