3-6 April 2017
Europe/Berlin timezone

Status of the SOFIA experiment and technical achievements in 2014 and 2016

5 Apr 2017, 10:00
Großer Saal (Lichtenberghaus)

Großer Saal


Dieburger Straße 241 64287 Darmstadt Germany


Dr Audrey CHATILLON (CEA - Arpajon)


We report on the status of the SOFIA set-up with the aim of anticipating the D0 experiment. The goals of the SOFIA experiment, the method used and the summary of the different measurements will be briefly presented. We will mainly focus on the technical achievements from, first, the short 2014 beam time at cave C, and second during the most recent detectors test performed at the FRS in June and July 2016.

Primary author

Dr Audrey CHATILLON (CEA - Arpajon)

Presentation Materials

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