10-15 September 2017
Europe/Vienna timezone

A New Silicon Drift Detector System for the Kaonic Deuterium Measurement

12 Sep 2017, 18:00
Aula (Vienna)



Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna, Austria
Poster presentation Kaon-nucleon and kaon-nucleus interaction Poster


Carina Trippl (Stefan-Meyer-Institute)


The measurement of kaonic deuterium atoms provides an ideal setting to gather information about the strong interaction of particles with strangeness at low energy. In the E57 experiment at J-PARC and with SIDDHARTA-2 at DAΦNE the shift and width of the K-d 1s state will be determined by using newly developed Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) as a high precision x-ray detector. For both experimental setups the detector consists of 48 SDD arrays in different arrangements, which will measure the emitted X-rays of the kaons when cascading from an excited state to the ground state. The E57 set-up uses amplifier boards, developed at the SMI, including a digital logic part to provide a single gate output for 8 SDD channels. Furthermore, the cable length between SDDs and amplifier boards has to be longer than one metre, which made the development of a line-driver unit necessary. First test measurements, simulating the final E57 set-up, with a Fe-55 source were performed for SDD temperatures below 170K. The achieved results, fulfilling all the necessary requirements, will be shown.

Primary author

Carina Trippl (Stefan-Meyer-Institute)


Johann Zmeskal (SMI)

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