
Experiments with electrons and europium ions in Penning and Paul traps

by K.T. Satyajit (Amrita University Coimbatore, India)

SB3 2.283 (Atomic Physics Seminar Room)

SB3 2.283

Atomic Physics Seminar Room

This talk will present a few experiments on both Penning and Paul traps. Electrons are trapped in a Penning trap and their motional resonances are probed. To characterize the stability regions we also measured the magnetic field dependence of the storage time of electrons in an anharmonic trap. The axial velocity distribution of the electrons was measured. We trapped europium ions in a Paul trap and cooled them with buffer gases. Both electronic and fluorescence detection of europium ions was carried out. We investigated the shift in frequencies caused by geometric perturbations due to the placement of a filament within and outside the trap. We also have carried out studies on space charge effects and the shift in the trapping signal as a function of time. The talk also will include a brief description of our plans in the future at our university and the work that we are doing in collaboration with the HITRAP group at GSI. An overview of Indian involvement in the SPARC Collaboration will also be presented.