GSI-FAIR Colloquium

"GSI-Kolloquium: Science opportunities at J-PARC "

by Prof. Yujiro Ikeda (J-PARC)

SB1 1.120 (GSI Main Lecture Hall)

SB1 1.120

GSI Main Lecture Hall

Science goal of J-PARC, encompasses from cutting-edge academic basic researches to industrial applications with use of so called secondary particles e.g., neutron, muon, Kaon, neutrino, etc., produced via proton driven reactions. Mission of J-PARC as the international user facility, accordingly, is to maximize all scientific results from international users. Describing the J-PARC facility performance in terms beam intensity, quality and uniqueness, I like to show you how they are attactive for wide range of science cases. As particle physics, materials and life-bio sciencces, energy, chemistry, and nuclear engineering are in the scope, several demonstrative outcomes are to be presented to induce your interest.