18-21 February 2014
Europe/Berlin timezone

Real-time dynamics without Hamiltonians

21 Feb 2014, 15:00
KBW Lecture Hall (GSI)

KBW Lecture Hall


Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt


Dr Debasish Banerjee (Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern)


Simulating real-time dynamics of large quantum systems is a notoriously difficult problem. Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian is exponentially expensive, while the configurations contribute a complex weight to the real-time path integral leading to a severe sign-problem. In this particular case, we consider a system of spins whose dynamics is driven by measurements of nearest neighbor spin pair. Remarkably, averaging over the measurement results lead to a sign-problem free real-time path integral which can be simulated with an efficient cluster algorithm.

Presentation Materials