11-15 February 2024
TFZ Wiener Neustadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

CNAO Septum ESE2 Development

Not scheduled
TFZ Wiener Neustadt

TFZ Wiener Neustadt

Viktor Kaplan-Straße 2, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Oral presentation Septa Development


Jan Borburgh (CERN)


In 2008, an electrostatic septum was built to a CERN design in industry for the slow extraction in CNAO’s medical accelerator in Pavia. Shortly after it’s installation, several shortcomings revealed themselves, such as limited orbiting beam acceptance and difficulties to operate the displacement system remotely.
In 2020 a collaboration was launched between CERN and CNAO to design a version of the electrostatic extraction septum which mitigates the shortcomings, taking advantage of the latest developments in the field, and upgrade the device to make it suitable for future operational parameters.
This presentation will highlight the innovations implemented and summarise the results of the initial laboratory tests.

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