Biophysics Seminar

Development of laser-driven particle therapy – Progress report on the onCOOPtics project

by Dr Jörg Pawelke (Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden)

Theorieseminarraum (SB3 Raum 3.170a)


SB3 Raum 3.170a


The particle acceleration by high intensity lasers promises more compact and cost effective ion therapy facilities. Unlike conventional beams, laser-driven beams are characterized by short ultra-intense pulses with peak dose rates exceeding conventional values by several orders of magnitude but low repetition rate, inherent pulse-to-pulse fluctuation, large beam divergence and broad energy spread. In consequence, a future medical application requires not only a high power laser system and laser target to generate particle beams of therapeutic quality but also new technical solutions for suitable beam detection and dosimetry, beam transport including gantry systems, dose delivery including treatment planning along with research on the radiobiological consequences of short radiation pulses with high pulse dose. The status of the ongoing joint translational research project onCOOPtics of several institutions in Germany will be presented. Einladender: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kraft GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH